Family Medicine Becomes a Series in 2022Today marks ninety days since the publication of my debut novel, Family Medicine! In this time, the novel has been sold across the United...
Natasha Does Her First Book Club Discussion & Book Signing!On November 12, 2021, I had the immense pleasure of visiting the Hostile Readers book club of Detroit, Michigan. It was my very first...
What's Happening with Family Medicine: 2-Week UpdateThe build up to releasing Family Medicine was so intense (for me), that I can't believe launch day is already two weeks behind us! So...
Video: Meet the Author Replay!If you missed Meet the Author: A Night with Natasha, you can check it out here! Hope to see you at the BIG EVENT! The book launch party...
Meet the Author: Night with Natasha, this SaturdayWhat's a doctor doing writing novels, you ask? Having fun and learning a TON. How long have you been working on your manuscript? What's...
Natasha's Virtual Book Tour: Coming Soon!Family Medicine, my debut novel, will launch on October 8, 2021. In anticipation of the book's release, several generous book bloggers...